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Worship & Liturgy

St. Charles Parish has many ways for you to get involved in our Liturgy Ministry!

Home Communion
God calls us to celebrate the sacrament of receiving the Holy Eucharistic during Mass and as Catholics this is the focal point of our faith. For some Catholics, attending weekly or daily Mass is prohibitive because of illness and other understandable circumstances. In these cases a Eucharistic minister will travel to parishioners' homes, allowing our parishioners the blessed opportunity to receive the Holy Eucharistic in their homes.
Our Eucharistic ministers pray and read scripture with homebound parishioners before administering communion. For many the visit from a Eucharistic minister is the most comforting part of their week.
Our Eucharistic ministers plan their visits around the homebound parishioner's schedule and they try to be as flexible as possible with timing.
If you would like to receive communion at home or if you know someone who would like to receive communion at home, please call the Parish Office at 262-367-0800.

Liturgical Scheduling
The Ministry Scheduler Pro is a program St. Charles uses to manage the scheduling of Eucharistic ministers, servers, lectors and greeters for regular Masses as well as special services. St. Charles is very fortunate to have many thoughtful ministers who make Mass possible each day, but we are always looking for more. Please consider joining this ministry!
Current ministers (Eucharistic ministers, servers, lectors, and greeters) who wish to view the schedule for each ministry or mark dates where they are unavailable may do so by going to Ministry Scheduler Pro and signing in.
If you are interested in becoming a ministry volunteer, please contact Beth Thompson, Pastoral Associate, for more information on training as well as registering with Ministry Scheduler Pro.

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