St. Charles School Commission
The purpose of the St. Charles Parish School Commission is to search for and promote the best means available to impart the message of Christ in the educational programs of the parish. The School Commission develops and promotes the implementation of the policies of the State Department of Education and the Archdiocesan Board of Education. Please visit the Commission's by-laws for more information.
Our 2023-24 School Commission Board:
Paul Fry, Chair
Julie Kirby, Vice Chair and Policy Subcommittee Chair
Amy Corragio, Secretary
David Burns, Chair Emeritus
Elly Beede, Member
Amy Galati, Member
Scott Sobstad, Member
John Stellmacher, Member
To inquire about School Commission meetings (once per month during the school year), please contact the School Office. Click below for recent School Commission Minutes.
Home & School Association (HSA)
The St. Charles School HSA is a self-funded organization that primarily exists to provide a forum in which open communication within the school community can be fostered and to promote communication between parents, teachers and administration. The HSA strives to create an environment where parents and volunteers are aware of the requirements and roles they play in the success of the HSA objective. While HSA is a vehicle to mobilize parental efforts in financial support of the school, it also seeks to create and enrich a sense of community and school family.
The HSA conducts business meetings once a month. These are open meetings, and all school parents are invited to attend. Please feel free to bring any new ideas or opinions to these meetings. The HSA is a wonderful example of Christian service to the children, teachers and parents!
The objectives of our HSA are to:
Achieve financial/fundraising goals to help support the short- and long-term viability of St. Charles School.
Provide direct financial support to the school for new academic initiatives, the purchase of items that meet identified needs for individual classrooms, improvements to the physical environment of the school, capital purchases that fall outside the school budget or other identified improvements or enhancements.
Provide significant financial support to St. Charles Parish for the operating expenses of St. Charles School through an annual commitment of funds.
Identify and sponsor community service opportunities for students, parents, and staff.
Identify and sponsor social, relationship-building, and enrichment opportunities for students, parents, and staff.
Recent Meeting Minutes:
For questions about the Home & School Association, please contact Sarah Trapp, HSA President.
HSA Bylaws HSA Calendar Report Hours